Information about infrastructure issues is often not easily accessible and widespread. With the English publications of CROW, we share knowledge that we believe has value for other countries, especially on subjects such as bicycle traffic and road safety.

CROW-CUR Recommendation 96:2019
Books | €227.00
The CROW-CUR recommendation addresses the need to formulate technical principles for the design of load-bearing structures that use fibre-reinforced polymers.
Design manual for bicycle traffic
Books | € 175.00
Worldwide there is increasing interest in the use of bicycles. This manual contains all important aspects for creating and maintaining effective cycling infrastructure.
Handbook Jetties and Wharfs
Books | € 301.00
The purpose of this handbook is to provide insight and guidelines regarding aspects that are important in the design of jetties and wharfs. Jetty-specific issues such as loads, interfaces between materials, installations on jetties and wharfs, as well as detailing aspects, are also covered.
Road Safety Manual
Books | € 91.00
This manual clusters knowledge about road safety in the Netherlands. It touches on subjects as getting a handle on road safety, measures that can be taken, giving an overview of practical problems and how these can be tackled.
Handbook Quay Walls
Books | € 377.00
This handbook is intended to prevent extensive discussions during the design and construction stages of projects involving quay walls.
Intelligent Traffic Light Controllers in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans
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Netherlands the unrivalled number one cycling nation. In the Netherlands, more than 25% of all trips is made by bicycle, which is relatively high compared to other countries.
Real Time Traffic Information
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New European regulations regarding the availability of traffic data will give the digital traffic system a major boost. Holders of data sources are obliged to offer this data in real time and of good quality.
CROW-CUR Empfehlung 128:2021
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Mit der Erstellung dieser CROW-CUR Empfehlung, in der die Qualitätsanforderungen für Füllstoffe aus der Abfallverbrennung festgelegt werden, wird es möglich, diese Füllstoffe als neuen Rohstofftyp in Niederländische BRL 1804 „Füllstoffe zum Einsatz in Beton und Mörtel“ aufzunehmen.
Guidance for road authorities on Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA)
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Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) helps motorists not inadvertently exceed the applicable speed limit. ISA is mandatory in new vehicle models from July 2022 and on all new vehicles in Europe by mid-2024.
Making buildings fit for sustainable mobility
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This paper looks at off-street parking regulations, both for bicycles and cars, in a total of 31 countries.
Can smart innovations pave the way for the bicycle?
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This thesis analyses the potential disruptiveness of the smart bike innovations which are being made available to society.
Developing and implementing a sustainable urban mobility plan
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Planning has become an increasingly complex task, and planners (as well as policy makers) are faced with many, often contradictory demands,
Whitepaper Future proof road infrastructure
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Within the Dutch Smart Mobility Collaboration (Krachtenbundeling), CROW-KpVV and Royal HaskoningDHV have released a whitepaper on the future design of roads, taking into account the advent of autonomous transportation.
CROW-CUR Recommendation 128:2021
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In this CROW-CUR Recommendation, the use of MSWI filler in concrete is limited to unreinforced concrete products made with earth-moist concrete, such as concrete paving slabs, concrete tiles, and concrete curbs.
CROW-CUR Recommandation 128:2021
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Dans la présente recommandation CROW-CUR, l’utilisation de filler d’UIDND dans le béton est limitée aux produits en béton non armé fabriqués avec du béton à consistance de terre humide, tels que les dalles de béton, les carreaux de béton et les bordures de béton.
Cycling in the Netherlands
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Netherlands the unrivalled number one cycling nation. In the Netherlands, more than 25% of all trips is made by bicycle, which is relatively high compared to other countries.
Behaviour of cyclists and pedestrians near right angled, sloped and levelled kerb types
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Behaviour of cyclists and pedestrians near right angled, sloped and levelled kerb types: Do risks associated to height differences of kerbs weigh up against other factors?
Congestion charges and cycling
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This evaluation of the ECF shows that three of the four cities applying a system of congestion charging use part of the revenues from their & respective scheme for measures related to cycling.
Translating the SAMEN scientific findings to practical applications
and implications
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TU Delft and CROW have investigated the interactions between human drivers and automated vehicles in mixed traffic in the SAMEN project, which is essential for the transition to fully automated driving. The project focused primarily on driving behavior, and the scientific results have been published in academic journals.