Design manual for bicycle traffic


The Netherlands has the highest rate of bicycle use, provides the widest range of cycling know-how and is famous worldwide for its cycling infrastructure. Worldwide there is increasing interest in the use of bicycles. This manual contains all important aspects for creating and maintaining effective cycling infrastructure.


Table of content

1. The development of bicycle traffic
1.1 The importance of the bicycle
1.2 The history of the bicycle
1.3 The bicycle and government policy
1.4 The role of the bicycle

2. Cycle-friendly design
2.1 Policy as foundation
2.2 Cycle-friendly infrastructure
2.3 The cyclist as a measure for the design
2.4 Main requirements cycle-friendly infrastructure
2.5 Integrated designing

3. Basic data
3.1 Bicycle dimensions
3.2 (Design) speed, accelerating and braking
3.3 Stability, deviation and clearance
3.4 Bends and view
3.5 Inclines
3.6 Patterns in bicycle use
3.7 Fellow users of cycle facilities

4. Design of the cycle network
4.1 The basis of any design
4.2 Levels in quality
4.3 Requirements for the main cycle network
4.4 Establishing main cycle network
4.5 Bicycle highways
4.6 Recreational cycle network

5. Road sections
5.1 Function, design and use
5.2 Requirements for a road section
5.2.1 Directness
5.3 Solitary cycle paths and cycle/moped paths
5.4 Bicycle traffic and motorized traffic within built-up areas
5.5 Bicycle traffic and motorized traffic outside of built-up areas
5.6 Special situations

6. Junctions
6.1 Function, design and use
6.2 Requirements for a junction
6.3 Junctions according to road type

7. Implementation, maintenance and furnishings
7.1 Road surfacing
7.2 Verges and plants
7.3 Lighting
7.4 Signage
7.5 Personal safety
7.6 Other facilities

8. Evaluation and management
8.1 Inspecting and evaluating bicycle connections
8.2 Inspecting surfacing for cyclists
8.3 Measures in the case of work in progress
8.4 Winter maintenance for the benefit of cyclists

Design sheets