CROW-CUR Recommendation 96:2019


The CROW-CUR recommendation addresses the need to formulate technical principles for the design of load-bearing structures that use fibre-reinforced polymers.


CUR Recommendation 96 was first issued in 2003. The recommendation addressed the need to formulate technical principles for the design of load-bearing structures that use fibre-reinforced polymers. The need to revise CUR Recommendation 96 has come about in response to experience in the field, changes to standards, the issuing of Eurocodes, and the development of new resins and new structural components, such as sandwich panels. In 2017 a fully revised CUR Recommendation 96 is published compatable with the Eurocode 2012 format. This CROW-CUR Recommendation is an updated version of the 2017 edition.

Chapter 2 of this CROW-CUR Recommendation describes the principles for the design of fibre-reinforced polymers (FRP). Various aspects are addressed, referring to the Eurocodes, such as fundamental requirements, reliability and the loads to be allowed for. Partial factors and conversion factors are also discussed. Conversion factors are used as a straightforward way to take into account the influences on the material properties of fibre-reinforced polymers. This could be for example due to uncertainties or external influences, such as the effects of water (humidity) and temperature. Chapter 3 includes requirements on the materials from which fibre-reinforced polymers are made, i.e. fibres, resin and any fillers and additives. This chapter also describes properties for the plies, laminates and sections thus produced. Chapter 4 describes the measures that can be put in place for the purposes of assuring the durability of fibre-reinforced polymers. Principles for the calculation of fibre-reinforced polymers are included in chapter 5. Design rules for strength and stability (ultimate limit states) are included in chapter 6 and design rules for deformation, vibration and comfort (serviceability limit states) are included in chapter 7. Joints are discussed in chapter 8. Detailing, implementation, maintenance and management are addressed in chapters 9 and 10 respectively.

This CROW-CUR Recommendation supersedes CUR Recommendation 96:2017

Table of Contents

1 General
2 Basic design principles
3 Materials and material properties
4 Durability
5 Structural modelling for analysis
6 Ultimate limit states (ULS)
7 Serviceability limit states (SLS)
8 Joints and connections
9 Detailing
10 Implementation, maintenance and management
Annex A Literature
Annex B Tests
Annex C Classical laminate theory and D-matrix
Annex D Environmental impact
Annex E Formulas for local buckling stress of profiles
Annex F Interaction factors for verification of stability
Annex G Joints
Annex H Acceptance levels for imperfections and defects on delivery
Annex J Specific points for consideration in fibrereinforced polymers