CROW is a not-for-profit organization in which the government and businesses work together in pursuit of their common interests through the design, construction and management of roads and other traffic and transport facilities. Active in research and in issuing regulations, CROW focuses on distributing knowledge products to all target groups.
CROW’s tasks involve:
- Research in the area of traffic, transport and infrastructure
- Standardisation in this sector
- Transfer of knowledge and knowledge management
Cycling is a very important means of transportation in the Netherlands. Encouraging bicycle use is regarded as an effective solution to accessibility problems and risks to health. Cycling also makes a substantial contribution towards meeting sustainability targets. The many users are increasingly seeing the bicycle as a sustainable, healthy and reliable means of transport. This is evident from the persistently healthy volumes of bicycle sales (with the electric bicycle being particularly noteworthy) and the growth of bicycle use.
Nevertheless, people will only start using their bicycles more if the cycle infrastructure is in good order. Connections for cyclists have to be attractive and ensure their personal safety. Detours and delays must be kept to a minimum. Thus rendering careful planning of cycle network and a solid design of facilities essential. Moreover, roads and paths for cyclist must be comfortable and safe for traffic. In all weather conditions. Consequently, in addition to a maintenance program for road management, attention needs to be given to such matters as winter maintenance.
CROW publishes most of its products in Dutch. But requests to share this knowledge came from all over the world. Therefore CROW started to translate important publications. In 2019 we started to gather all publications around cycling, roads and paths for cycling, planning, safety and other information of which we think it can be of international interest. We started CROW platform to make this knowledge easily accessible. Some publication are downloadable free of charge. Some are books which you can order.